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How much does it cost for Software Solution?
Cost of Software Solution
Models of Payment
Cost of Software Solution
Business owners who run their business without software face challenges. A small-scale business can be easily managed with mental ability to a certain extent when it is in initial growing phase. A software may not be required at the early stage of business. If it is a fast-growing organization, and mental ability wouldn’t be able to handle more than 20 or 100 people, then a system software can really help. Technology helps you to grow.
The cost of the software solutions is ..
- Less than one average employees pay per month.
- Less than the cost incurred due to dip in productivity
- Less than the cost of having disengaged team members
- Less than the cost of losing customers due to poor service
- Less than the cost of not collecting payments on time
- Less than the cost of paying overdraft interest due to poor management.
- Less than the cost of dwindling sales
- Less than the cost of losing the best talent in the company
- Less than the cost of losing best clients due to poor service
- Less than the cost of incurring losses
- Less than the cost of having to close down the business
- Less than the cost of losing peace, happiness and joy
- Less than the cost of losing relationships.
Models of Payment
- We employ three distinct payment collection models for our customers. Initially, we provide a comprehensive package cost estimate and subsequently proceed with collection upon the customer’s approval. This method offers flexibility and convenience to our clients.
- Furthermore, we also offer installment payment options, such as ten-month and twelve-month plans, where we distribute the total cost over the selected duration, ensuring smoother financial management for our customers.